Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Blogging is really highly recommended to be as much knowlegeble as one could for it is a global means to learn. It is kind of face to face meeting that allows people to associate with each other and build friendship, socialize and have conversations, dialogues and have the ability to discuss with a lot of people all over the world. In this respect, the Edublogger Network, for example is the right place for educators and all others to blog and read about others' blogs. Participants from all over the world can meet, share photos, videos, etc. For instance, if one has a workshop or a topic he/she wants to discuss or an enent that is upcoming and wants people to talk about it and motivate participants, he/she just needs to create an Edblogger world calender and add events to the calender and he/she will have global participants . Also, new comers can find their way around one place where one places his/her blog.
Blogging is a technology that can bring all people together in one place, connect students to each other, improve classrooms and make them more effective.


  1. You have seen the positives of blogging.

    Great post!

  2. I would agree with you. Blogging can give a person a sense of belonging.For example, the edublogger World is an opportunity for building social networking from all over the world. People in this blogging network all share a common interest and that is education and they can stay interactive with each other all with their finger tips and a click of a button.
